Monday, January 13, 2014

More sissy bride pictures and bra conditioning

i love pictures of any special occasion, in this case my own wedding to Mistress Cassie. Yes, She is an online Mistress and skeptics may deem it as 'not real'. But it's very real to me. The process od dressing last week and taking vows, then dressing again yesterday for pictures amounted to a marathon of feminization.

Not only do i believe that I'm now a real sissy bride, i know that i really feel more like a Woman than ever before. I was diane all day yesterday, and still have on my wedding bra and panties. Moving forward, i expect to be in a bra more often than out of one. Just like when my panty training started, i remember missing them when not wearing them, to the point where it became all day every day. i'm now conditioned to wear panties, the training is long over. It's at that breaking point now with bras. Panties are much easier to conceal, but it's become irrelevant that wearing a bra is more challenging.


Just like i need Mistress and my panties, i need to be in a bra. It is a natural state for me now - I've been bra conditioned, the training wheels are off.

Still more wedding pics to come..........  :o)

sissy maid diane

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